The Mike Simmons Scholarship was created by family and friends in memory of Mike Simmons. Mike’s fair, but firm approach as well as focus on respectful relationships with students, staff and families, earned him the position of “Dean of Students” at Kent-Meridian High School, a position he held for 15 years before an aggressive cancer took his life at 63.
Mike’s compassion, love, and willingness to never give up on a student, made him a legend and a favorite of those who struggled with their choices as a teen. Mike was and continues to be appreciated by the students, staff , parents, and families he supported over his 18 years at Kent-Meridian.
This scholarship will be awarded to one or more applicants who have demonstrated their determination to overcome struggles with behavior, academics and making good decisions, yet worked hard to make better choices enabling them back on track and graduate with legitimate plans for life after high school. Funds to be used at any accredited post-secondary institution or industry recognized apprenticeship. Funds may be used for tuition, books, fees, or program related tools and equipment.
Graduating senior from Kent-Meridian High School or have acquired their GED following at least one academic year of attending Kent-Meridian High School. Students who are already enrolled in a postsecondary institution or apprenticeship may apply, including those who have previously received the scholarship.